Saturday, April 08, 2006

Formula for finicky fellas

If and when you decide to do the formula bit, your pediatrician will probably have a recommendation for which one to use. Enfamil Lipil seems to be what everyone uses these days, but Christian had a reaction to it. Plus it smells like a rusty nail, since these companies add so much iron to their formulas. Similac smells pretty iron-ish, too. I chose Good Start Supreme DHA & ARA because it had a less-offensive smell and taste (yeah, I tasted the nasty stuff) and seems to be on the cutting edge as far as nutrition. Enfamil, however, has a lot more stages of formulas and varieties for finicky babies. Plus it seems like they are on sale more often and you can find coupons more often for them as well. It’s close to $30 for the big cans (usually takes about 7-10 days to go through a big can) so sales and coupons are rockin’.

Always add water to the bottle before adding formula to ensure proper preparation. Adding formula first will take up so much room in the bottle, you’ll end up with 4 ½ ounces of water instead of 6.


At 8/12/2006 03:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.


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