Saturday, April 08, 2006

Baby's rumbley in the tumbley

You never really realize how much gas newborn babies have until you have one. When they cry, sometimes they’re hungry, sometimes they’re tired and sometimes, it’s the dang gas bubbles. They’ve never used their digestive systems before, so they have a lot to get used to. Get infant’s simethicone drops. Gerber makes some, Mylicon makes some, or you can get generic brand that seem to work just as well.

If you’re breastfeeding, nix the caffeine and tomatoes. If your little one has a gassy tummy, put a warm hand on their belly, skin-to-skin, to help break it up and rub a bit to get things moving. Or hold the baby up on your shoulder really high, so that his tummy is pressing against the hard part of your shoulder. Also, laying baby on the floor on his tummy is good, too. We used to have to do that after every feeding with Christian. Thank God the gas phase is over!


At 8/16/2006 07:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.


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