Saturday, April 08, 2006

Car Seat

Obviously you should have your infant car seat purchased and installed before you even head to the hospital, but for those early weeks, you should also get an infant headrest. They are so dang tiny at first that their little heads roll all over the place when you turn corners. It’s just a little extra something to keep them comfortable. “Snuzzli” makes a great one that’s washable. **CORRECTION**Duh, it's called a "Snuzzler" and it's by Kiddopotamus. You can check them out at - the Snuzzler.

Personally, if I had it to do over again (which I suppose I will in the future), I would just get a convertible car seat which can go from infant seat to toddler seat to child seat. It’s a good idea to have a spare car seat as well.


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