Saturday, April 08, 2006


Usually around 4 or 5 months, teething begins, even though they probably won’t crack their first tooth until 6 to 8 months old. Orajel is ok, but only lasts for a moment and not all babies like the taste. Infant Tylenol or Motrin is good before bedtime to keep the pain away until morning. But the best thing I found is Hyland’s Teething Tablets. They aren’t medicinal, so you can give them as many as they need, as often as they need it. And they work almost instantly.

Obviously you should have tons of teething rings to chew on as well. The freezer ones especially (even though Christian never particularly liked them, everyone else swears by them). My little fella opted for cloth, like my sweatshirt or a washcloth. Even better if the washcloth was soaked in tapwater. Another good teether is the mesh fruit strainers. Stuff a few grapes or apple chunks in there and the kid can gnaw away for hours, saving your remote and cell phone for a while.


At 8/17/2006 06:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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