Pre-baby tip
If you're pregnant, or even if you have a newborn, get online and subscribe, subscribe, subscribe. Manufacturers are always excited to give samples out to new moms, because they can gain long-term customers that way. Think of all the things you'll need (i.e. diapers, formula, clothes, bottles, lotion, baby wash, etc.) and search the web for anywhere you can **freely** sign up to receive samples and coupons. Christian was over a year old by the time I paid full price for formula or diapers.
Don't know where to start? Get your hands on a baby magazine (some will even give free subscriptions, like BabyTalk, my personal favorite) and look at the adverstisements. The small print at the bottom is usually where they offer free samples if you call a number or visit a web address.
(Check out BabyTalk magazine at